hope sume sihat lh ye..
huh saikin bnyk sngguh mnde2 yg wt kepala ni jdi serabut sket..pening2..
hmm klo bab stdy pn ye jgk,tpi sket je la yg tu..:D..ni klo ada kaitan ngn org ni susah lh jgk kn,
bkn sng nk puaskan hati org kn,tpi sgt lh gmbira bila dpt puaskan hati org..n pndapat org kn lain2 jgk..so xboleh lh kn nk paksa2 org terima bnda yg xboleh terima..:D..tpi xpe lh,mnde dh lepas,,let it go je kn..hehe..
ak pn xsuke pndam lama2 ke ape ke,,nti klo pndam gtu jdi mkin nk marah lh plak kn,so biarkn je n teruskan hdup ngn happy go lucky je..sbb klo kta lupakan ksalahan org kt kita,n lupakan jgk kebaikan kita kt org,,xde lh kita nk mgungkit2 ke ape ke kn,so jdi lh tenang sket..hihi,,ni petua nih..:D..n slalu2 lh senyum ye..:D...
ok,dh stop dh emo sket(
I Believe (LYRICS)
When you're searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He's always close to you
He's the one who knows you best
He knows what's in your heart
You'll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You're always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I'll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You're always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
I'll follow you no matter what
If God wills we'll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
ha ni meh pakat hafal..
ok,enjoy listening..bye..
smbung wt report plak..haha~
2 ulasan:
yes, i agree. sometimes we need to listen others too. memberi dan menerima. p'ingatan utk diri sendiri jgk.
muhasabah utk diri sndiri ni jgk..hehe..sbb kita pn bkn perfect sgt n xlari dri masalah..:))
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